
Friday 14 May 2021

New My Time to Craft Challenge - Inchies


We've got a new challenge today on the My Time to Craft Challenge and this time our theme is 'inchies'.

Head over to the challenge blog here for all the details and to see the cards from the rest of the team.

Here's another view of my card:

Are you reading this post and wondering what inchies are?  They are simply small pieces of artwork which, as the name suggests, measure an inch square.  You can make them individually or collage them as I have done.

To make my card I used:

- Art Gallery stamp set from Stampin' Up
- Magenta Madness ink from Stampin' Up
- paper, card and gems from Craft Creations

I'd like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Through the Purple Haze - anything goes/gems or pearls
Let's Craft and Create - no patterned paper


  1. What a gorgeous card Helen!

    Thank you so much for joining us in our Flower Power challenge last week over at Creative Knockouts! I hope you play along again soon!

  2. Very interesting card. Love the flower. Great use of gems. Thank you for sharing this amazing project with us at Through the Purple Haze Challenges. Good luck.


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x