
Thursday 14 January 2021

New Cardz 4 Galz Challenge - Cocktails, Wine or Coffee


There's a new challenge today on the Cardz 4 Galz Challenge Blog and this time we're looking for your designs featuring cocktails, wine or coffee.

For all the details and to see the cards from the rest of the team, head over to the challenge blog here for all the details and to see the cards from the rest of the team.

I decided on a coffee themed card and remembered I had a single sheet of this patterned paper from Stampin' Up.  Having done a quick search, it looks like it may have been part of a bundle with a stamp set called Coffee Cafe.

I cut out a coffee pot and two cups from the paper and then used the rest as my background.  My stamped sentiment is also from Stampin' Up.

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Helen x