
Thursday 19 July 2018

Inspiration Post for LeAnn's World 101 - Flying High

Today it's my turn to share some inspiration on the LeAnn's World 101 Blog - you can find my post here.

I love this hot air balloon image - I've kept my card design very simple to showcase it.

To make my card I've used the following:

- Flying High digi stamp from LeAnn's World 101 available here
- Promarkers to colour the image
- paper, gems and card from Craft Creations.

I'd like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Word Art Wednesday - anything goes


  1. Beautiful card and I love the clean design that allows your image and coloring to shine. Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Through The Craft Room Door this week. Looking forward to see you again next challenge.
    Annemi {My Blog}
    Through The Craft Room Door

  2. Hi Helen this is a stunning card. Thank you for joining us at Crafts Galore Encore Challenge Blog for the current challenge which is always Anything Goes. The sponsor is Beccy’s Place. Hugs Jackie DT


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x