
Saturday 20 December 2014

New Cardz 4 Guyz Challenge - The Big Guy

I'm running a bit late this week - this is my card for the new Cardz 4 Guyz Challenge which started on Tuesday last week.  Our theme for this final challenge of the year is 'the big guy' or Santa and you can find all the details about the challenge here on the challenge blog.

For my card I've used of the fab Santa digis from Nutcrafters - unfortunately there are technical issues with the website at the moment so I can't provide a link.  The paper I've used is from Papermania.

I'd like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge - 'whatever is still urgently needed'
Wags'n'Whiskers Challenge - 'Merry Christmas'
CCEE Stampers - 'starring Santa'
Papertake Weekly - 'last Christmas card of the year'
The Stamping Chef Challenge - 'anything goes'
The Male Room Challenge - 'Christmas'


  1. Thanks for entering your lovely crafting for CHNC challenge 208 - hope to see you again soon x

  2. Thank you for joining us in The Male Room with your super card.


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x