
Friday 14 September 2012

A Little Note

I made this card yesterday using a new stamp that I've had for a while but hadn't got round to using - it's 'A Pen Friend' from Belles'n'Whistles and it's one that I bought with a gift voucher I won from a challenge blog.

The paper I've used is from Craftwork Cards as are the flowers and of course the Card Candi.

I'd like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Milk Coffee - 'show us at least two shapes' (square and rectangle)
Crafts and Me Challenges - 'in the pink'
Inky Impressions Challenges - 'pink and brown'
Dawn's Crafting - 'think pink'
Card Crafter's Circle - 'gone gingham'
Polka Doodles - 'ice cream colours'


  1. Gorgeous card Helen. Such a pretty image and beautiful colour scheme.


  2. This is gorgeous,what a great image and

  3. Awww, love the ice-cream colours. Thank you for joining us at Allsorts this week for my Layers challenge x

  4. Gorgeous card Helen, love the image.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Wendy xx

  5. Beautiful creation Helen... such delicate colours. Thanks for sharing at Card Crafter's Circle this week!

  6. Wow Beautiful! Love the image. Thanks for joining us at Inky Impressions.

  7. Such a sweet card & a cute image! Thanks for joining the fun at Dawn's Crafting in my BCA/Think Pink Challenge!
    Good Luck
    Dawn xx

  8. Hi Helen, your card is very pretty and that's such a sweet image too.
    Thanks for your comment over at Polka Doodles and sorry about the gremlins yesterday! The linky tool is now working so if you could add your gorgeous creation there we'd really love to see the pic.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. Such a sweet card. I do like the Belles and Whistles image that you've used. The pink gingham is a perfect background. Thank you for entering this week's challenge at Card Crafter's Circle.

  10. How sweet,Helen! I love how you used the checks and brown together! So very glad to see you this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!

  11. Helen, i am sorry i meant to say that i was happy to see you at Card Crafter's Circle! I got confused..sorry!

  12. Hi Helen,
    Thanks for playing in our Gingham Challenge this week at Card Crafters Circle. Love your flowers and the card colour combination, wonderful card!!!
    hugs Trish Munro

  13. What a gorgeous card. So pretty design. I have worked for the Print gift cards company and this design inspire me so much. I really appreciate your work.


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x