
Saturday 31 December 2011

A Peacful New Year to You All ....

Whatever you're doing tonight, I hope you all have a safe and peaceful New Year!

This is one of the cards I've made today - I used a Sizzlit die and some red snowflake paper.  A very simple design but I like it!

Some challenges for my card:

Winter Wonderland - 'red and white'
Cutie Pie Challenge Blog - 'use a sentiment'
Less is More - 'just one word'

Happy New Year and I'll be back in the next couple of days with a brand new challenge at The Squirrel and the Fox and the January club stamps from Little Claire!


  1. I really like the simplicity of this -gorgeous x

  2. This is a beautiful CAS card. Love the design. Thanks for playing at Cutie Pie and good luck. Hope to see you back the 8th for a new challenge. Bettina xx

  3. Super job Helen!
    Thanks so much and a very Happy New Year to you and yours.
    "Less is More"

  4. A gorgeous red and white creation, thank you for sharing your lovely work with us at the Winter Wonderland
    Happy New Year
    Hugs Kate xx

  5. I love the clean and simple lines of this, it doesn't need anything more it's perfect as it is Karen x

  6. Terrific Helen

    Happy new year to you
    Thank you
    "Less is More"


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x