
Sunday 15 May 2011

Ooh La La!

I've had a very busy but very enjoyable weekend!  Yesterday I was at the stamp show at Port Sunlight for some retail therapy although I have to say I was quite restrained this time and didn't buy that much for a change!!  Today I've been to a workshop hosted by Aly and Roy from Dimension Fourth who have an amazing range of stamps covering all types of different styles and occasions.  One of the projects we did (and definitely my favourite of the day) was to make a clock - you can see a photo of mine above.  It now has a battery in and is ticking away perfectly. 


  1. Oh WOW!! Helen, that's fantastic! I looked out for you too yesterday but it was so busy wasn't it?! Where do Dimension Fourth do their workshops? x

  2. This is fab Helen, looks like it was fun to make :o) Lisa x

  3. Wow what a fab make,really special, shame we couldn't have said Hi yesterday, I love Happy Stamper and never miss,despite the heat.

  4. Fabulous project looks like you had a good day. Mary x

  5. Wow, Helen this clock is just gorgeous xx

  6. Just beautiful Helen, love the little images and colours you have used xx

  7. Hi Helen, Did I see you on the table with the competition cards? I thought it was you, You gave me a big smile when I looked and commented on the entry's, but I did not click who you were!! Debbiexx

  8. This is beautiful Helen hugs maxine

  9. It is brilliant Helen, I was so sad to of missed this, looks like you had a good time

  10. Wow Helen! Your clock is amazing!!! Love Kate xx


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x