
Wednesday 10 November 2010

WOYWW - Week 75

Here's a photo of my desk for this week's WOYWW. You can see the sheet of LOTV stamps that I've finally got round to using and the card in progress is the one that I've just posted a photo of today. You can also see my trusty cassette hole punch, my punch collection and some snowflake brads (I used three of these on the card I posted yesterday). My black Versafine pad is there too - I use this on every card I make embossed with the detail fine powder that you can also see. Will try and leave as many comments as I can for everyone else but it may be tomorrow before I get round very many blogs!


  1. I have those stamps too, aren't they fab. Thought I would check out the last post here as I never get down here.

    Carol #51

  2. Your workspace looks just like mine - not much cutting mat on show - LOL

  3. Creative workspace this week and oh dont you just love LOTV stamps .Have now got far few in my collection.Happy WOYWW.
    hugs judex

  4. what a great playground and lovely coloring. TFS

  5. There's plenty going on on your desk this week - I like the selection of papers you have chosen to go with your LOTV stamp. Regards, Elizabeth

  6. Beautiful LOTV stamps, I do like cute at Christmas! Great colouring for your card too.

    Brenda 90

  7. What a lovely work to craft in you have. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 36)

  8. I love LOTV and I still haven't got any, they are soooo cute. Your card looks fabulous
    Have a great woyww weekend!


  9. Hi Helen. I have just created my own Blogspot. Having popped in to see you it is looking very spartan! Just the one card up to now but I hope to increase the numbers shortly. Congratulations on becoming a designer for Little Claire BTW!!!
    Love Kate xx

  10. It's bad enough that I am running nearly a week late, then I have been plagued with that pesky 503 error all night. Just wanted to drop in and let you know I was here this week. Hope to see you tomorrow.


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x