
Tuesday 22 June 2010

Deocarated Canvas

The stamping group that I attend had a workshop back in May given by Imagination Crafts which I missed because I was in hospital.
My friend Sylvia very kindly bought me a blank canvas and has shown me step by step the project that the group did at the workshop - this is my finished version.
The canvas was spritzed with ink and then a template with a swirl on it used to complete the designs on the four corners. Two were done by spraying bleach through the template to remove the ink from the canvas and the other two by putting embossing paste (custom coloured) through the same stencil. The panel in the middle was made using embossing paste through another template. I think the end stage at the workshop was to add an image to the middle of the panel but I liked the pattern on it so much that I've used added a ribbon and a layered paper flower so you can still see the design.

1 comment:

  1. Well Helen love your canvas, you made a far better job of it than me. Great
    Love your new blog look too


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x