
Sunday 16 May 2010

Paris ATCs

I've finally managed to get back to my crafting today and have made a set of ATCs for a Paris themed swap. The backgrounds were done with Distress Inks (Old Paper and Teabag) and then I've stamped with my Hero Arts 'Old French Handwriting' stamp. The images are printed but I've stamped at the corners with some more Hero Arts stamps (Par Avion and a stamp with the Eiffel Tower) and then added some flowers and black gems.


  1. They are lovely Helen, glad you are feeling better, take care

  2. Love these, Helen. Great to see you playing again - you must be feeling better :) Take it easy!!

  3. Nice designs--I could see these as a trio, framed on a wall.


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x