
Thursday 15 June 2023

New Scribbles Designs Challenge - Moustaches


It's time for a new challenge on the Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog.

This year, all the DT members are taking turns to decide the challenge themes based on their favourites from the past.  This month's challenge dates back to March 2016 and it's:


So we want you to add one or more moustaches to your creations.

To read more about the challenge and see the cards from the rest of the team, head over to the challenge blog here.

I made today's card using the following items from Scribbles Designs:

- Got Moustache? sentiment available here
- Moostash available here
- Moustache available here

I created the moustache panel using the Moustache digi stamp copied and pasted several times.  

I also used the following:

- Promarkers
- stitched die from Stampin' Up
- circle die from Stampin' Up
- card and paper from Craft Creations

1 comment:

  1. hehe - these moustached images are fun, and this one is no exception :D

    Hugz Tinz


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x