
Monday 19 July 2021

New Inspiration Station Challenge


We're back today on the Inspiration Station Challenge Blog with a new challenge and a new inspiration picture for you:

The challenge is to create something inspired by the photo and to tell us how you've been inspired.

All the details are here on the challenge blog where you can also see the cards from the rest of the team.

And our winner will receive a $10 gift voucher for:

I have to admit I was a bit unsure what to make for this challenge as I couldn't think of any fish stamps or what else to use!

Then I remembered that I have a paper pad of nautical designs including this fish background.  While I realise these are goldfish, fish also put me in mind of something nautical so I also used some of the panels from the Woodware Stamps 'Sailing By' stamp.

I also used my Promarkers and card and paper from Craft Creations.

1 comment:

  1. Great combination of images Helen, it is good isn't it when turning up the right paper inspires your next steps like this. Way to go teamie x


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x