
Monday 1 February 2021

GDT Card for Your Scrapbook Place Challenge - Anything Goes Plus a Special Celebration!


I'm back today with another GDT card for the Your Scrapbook Place Challenge and this month in addition to our usual anything goes challenge, we have a special celebration going on.

Together with team member Holley we are marking the 11th anniversary of her successful brain surgery.

Head over to the challenge blog here for all the details about the challenge and the special celebrations.

Our sponsor for this challenge is:

And Sandra has designed the digi stamp we're all using for our cards for this challenge especially for Holley.

The image is called Brains and Beauty and you can find her here in Sandra's shop.

To make my card I've also used:

- Promarkers to colour the image
- patterned papers from my stash
- washi tape
- scalloped die and flower punch from Stampin' Up
- other card and paper from Craft Creations

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Helen x