
Thursday 3 August 2017

New Cardz 4 Galz Challenge - Pretty Pastels

There's a new challenge today on the Cardz 4 Galz Challenge and this time our theme is 'pretty pastels' - you can find all the details here on the challenge blog.

I'm sharing a card designed for my last Little Claire Designs class.  It's not easy to see from the photo but there is a circle cut away from the front of the card and the stamped image is underneath and card front which is raised up with foam pads.  

The stamp is called 'Dinkies Hedgehog Dandelion' and you can find it here on the Little Claire Designs website.  The papers and pearls are from Craft Creations.


  1. Lovely card Helen and super image. Hugs Jennifer xx

  2. Hi, Helen! Such a lovely card design, with the sweetest little image. Your sentiment is the perfect complement for the pretty colored hedgehog! hugs, de


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x