
Wednesday 1 October 2014

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #278

I'm a bit later posting this than planned but it's been a busy day.  Here's a look at my desk last night about at 10.30pm while I was working on some cards for DT posts later in the week.  My yellow snowflake punch might give you a clue to the fact that I'm working on Christmas designs right now.  My trusty old Cocoa cat's eye ink pads are there - they're missing half the foam and are really dry but they're ideal for inking round the edge of paper!

And here's a closer look at the digi stamp I was colouring in.  The finished card will appear tomorrow as my DT post for the CRAFT challenge.

Looking forward to my weekly visit to have a nosey at everyone's desk!


  1. Wow, your work desk is so tidy compared to mine! Loved your card for the Halloween challenge. Fab papers and layout. Hugs, Wends x

  2. What a tidy space you have going on :) Beautifully coloured image hugs Nikki 10

  3. That's a pretty neat work station, Helen! I always take a close up of mine, so you can actually see the mess in the background but yours seem to be neat all over!
    zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #78

  4. Very tidy and organised desk. Beautiful colouring. Thanks for sharing. Sorry I’m late commenting. Hope that you have a lovely crafting week to come. Hazel, WOYWW #81 x

  5. Lovely tidy desk, and a great coloured image.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #17

  6. Your colouring is so gorgeous!
    Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
    Have a good week,

  7. Love the colors you used on your digi. April #84

  8. That's a lovely image - I do hope you'll give us a sneaky peek at your finished cards. Have a great week, Chris # 16


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x