
Sunday 16 March 2014

New Glory of Christmas Challenge - Cocoa/Hot Drinks

A new challenge has just started on The Glory of Christmas Challenge blog and this time our theme is 'cocoa/hot drinks'.  You can find all the details about the challenge and see the cards from the rest of the Design Team here on the challenge blog.

For my card I've used the very cute 'Delicious Cocoa' digi from Paper Shelter - you can find it here on their website.  The paper I've used is from Lili of the Valley.

I'd like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Completely Christmas - 'anything goes'
Decosse's Dynamite Doodles - '12 months of Christmas link up'
Craft Your Passion Challenges - 'young at heart'
Crafting by Designs - 'anything goes'
DigiDesigns Challenge Blog - 'include a person and an animal'
The Doodle Garden - 'anything goes'


  1. Lovely inspiration card for the Glory of Christmas 29 and thanks for also sharing for Completely Christmas 3 - hope to see more of your Christmas crafting there soon x

  2. Gorgeous card - the colors are wonderful and the image is adorable!

  3. Cute, Cute, Cute! This is simply marvelous, Helen! Thanks for playing in our "Anything Goes" challenge this month at Doodle Garden. Please come back and play again soon. Good Luck in the draw.
    NanaConnie DT


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x