
Tuesday 31 December 2013

My Favourite 5 Creations of 2013

It's hard to believe the Christmas and New Year holiday break is nearly over and tomorrow it will be 2014!  I took some time yesterday to choose my favourite five creations of 2013 to join in with the fun on Debby's blog here.  This really was a difficult choice to make as I've made so many cards over the past year but here goes:

First of all, my most recent Little Claire blog project which was a notepad and calendar desk top set.  The first photo shows it closed and the second the inside.  For this project I used one of my favourite Little Claire stamps from the past year, the beautiful 'Butterfly Blossom' which you can find here on the Little Claire website.

Next, another Little Claire blog project - the first time in years that I'd made a waterfall card.  For this one I used one of my all time favourite Little Claire stamps, the very cute 'Hedgehogs in Squares' which you can find here on their website.

My third choice is a new baby card made using a very cute Nutcrafters stamp and a sentiment from the Little Claire 'Dictionary Definitions ' set.  By the way, are you noticing a pattern with the paper I've used on all my cards??!

Next, another baby card this time using a digi from Pink Gem called 'Bathtime Baby' which you can find here on their website:

And finally, a change to gingham using another Pink Gem digi called 'Chloe in Knitted Hat' which you can find here on the website.  Very different colours for me and no gingham in sight!!

So that's my favourite five for 2013 - it could easily have been a favourite twenty five!


  1. Lovely cards Helen, wishing you a happy New Year! HelenR :) x

  2. Beautiful projects and cards and I do love gingham!
    Have not done a waterfall card for years, my grandchildren loved them when they were younger!
    Nice Selection!

  3. A fab selection of makes hun. Happy New Year to you. Hugs, Claire x

  4. Helen, lovely makes you chose for your 5. Gorgeous! Happy New Year!

  5. What a wonderful selection Helen, they're all so gorgeous.


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x