
Sunday 22 December 2013

GDT Card for The Glory of Christmas Challenge - Jesus

This is my GDT card for the new Glory of Christmas Challenge - the theme this fortnight is 'Jesus'.  For all the details about the challenge and to see the rest of the cards from the Design Team, have a look here.

For my card I've used 'Baby Jesus' from Pink Gem - you can find it here on their website.  The paper I've used is from Lili of the Valley.

I'd like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Crafty Little Fairies - 'anything goes'
Feeling Crafty Challenge - 'Christmas'
Inky Impressions - 'merry Christmas'
Papertake Weekly - 'last Christmas card of the year'
Tuesday Throwdown - 'what Christmas means to you'
Totally Papercrafts - 'Christmas using non-traditional colours'
Aud Sentiments Challenge Blog - 'Christmas'
Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge - 'last minute Christmas'
Allsorts Blog Challenge - 'brown with blue'


  1. Gorgeous card Helen :-) such a cute image and I love the snowflake paper :-)

    thanks for joining us on the PTW Challenge
    Lols x x x

  2. So very cute. Thanks for playing at ClF

  3. What a beautiful card, Helen - thank you for another design card for us at The Glory of Christmas and thanks for sharing for my CHNC challenge 156 x

  4. A really super card using my fav colour combo Helen, thanks so much for joining in at Allsorts this week.

    Wishing you are yours a wonderful Christmas season.

    B x

  5. Very pretty card Helen. Love your non-traditional colour choices. Thanks for joining us at TPC. Pat K x

  6. Gorgeous card, fabulous colours and very festive,Helen! Thanks for playing along and I hope you had a lovely Christmas.
    Asha - Tuesday Throwdown DT
    Sunny Summer Crafts

  7. What a sweet card! Love that image! Thanks for joining Loves Rubberstamps Challenge :)

  8. Adorable Baby Jesus card! The image is darling. Thanks so much for joining our challenge over at Loves Rubberstamps! :)

  9. Great card, thanks for joining us at allsorts x


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x