
Tuesday 15 May 2012

Frosty the Snowman ...

When I spotted that one of the Christmas challenge blogs had a snowman theme, I thought of this Woodware stamp that I bought several years ago - he's called 'Starstruck Snowman'.  I've followed the sketch from the Cutie Pie Challenge and used papers by GCD Designs from a pad called 'Joyful Peace'.  The ribbon is some that I bought from a shop in Carlisle and I also got out my snowflake punches to decorate the card.

Here's a close up view of the top panel:

I'd like to enter my card in the following challenges:

Cutie Pie Challenge - 'sketch plus an easel card'
Crafty Sentiment Designs - 'bingo - patterned paper, coloured image plus die cuts'
Crafty Hazelnuts Challenge - 'traditional Christmas colours'
Christmas Card Challenge - 'use an old, neglected stamp'
Winter Wonderland - 'Frosty the Snowman'
Christmas Cards All Year Round - 'inspired by a song - Frosty the Snowman'


  1. Gorgeous easel card - thanks for joining my CHNC challenge 72 - hope to see you again soon. x

  2. Hi Helen, super card, what a great take on our sketch, thank you for joining in with the cutie pies and good luck for the dt call xx

  3. Gorgeous Helen...such a fun image hun :o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  4. so pretty Helen, thank you for joining us at the Winter Wonderland - did you know we have a DT call!
    Hugs Kate xx

  5. Such a pretty card!!! I love the muted tones of red and green, it's a very elegant card! Thanks for joining us this week at CCC and we hope to see you again next challenge. Hugs, Brigitte

  6. What a cute and cheerful snowman! I love what you've done with the sketch, thanks for joining us at Cutie Pie and good luck with the DT call. xx

  7. Gorgeous Christmas card. So beautiful. Thanks for playing along at the citie pies and good luck with the dt call. X

  8. Such a lovely easel card, Helen! Thank you for joining Winter Wonderland this week. hugs, Miria
    ps we're having a DT Call

  9. Beautiful card, you are on the ball, making Christmas cards in May! :) I love the design, the colour combo and the cute image. Fabulous! Oh and about your question earlier, i would be happy to send you some sunshine :D Hope your weather has brightened up. Hugs, Jill x

  10. Oh he is a cutie.. love the traditional colours and the easel design too
    Thanks for joining us at Winter Wonderland this week
    Lisa x

  11. Your card is so pretty!! Thanks for playing along with us at Christmas Card Challenges! :)

  12. love this image! great color combo. thanks for joining us this week at CCC.


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x