
Tuesday 20 March 2012

Brand New on the Little Claire Website!

Just added to the Little Claire website today, two brand new sets of circular sentiment stamps!

First of all, 'Save the Date' (above) an extremely versatile set which allows you to personalise your sentiment with the correct age and there's also a 'handmade by' stamp to which you can add your own name!  You can find the set here on the Little Claire website.

Next, a set of 'Sunshine Sentiments' - a lovely range of words suitable for lots of different occasions.  You can find these here on the Little Claire website.

Blog Candy!

If you head over to the Little Claire blog here we've got blog candy!  If you leave a comment on the post about the new stamps you'll be in with a chance of winning a set of the stamps - we've got one of each set to give away.  The blog candy closes tomorrow evening at midnight so make sure you go and leave your comment soon!

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Helen x