
Friday 7 January 2011

Little Claire Designs - Another Preview!

Here's a preview of another of the new stamp sets from Little Claire Designs which are being launched next week on Create and Craft. This is the Christening set and this one has a door image and a 'view' which fits directly behind the door. I made a gatefold card and split the door image in two - half on each of the front panels - so the doors open to reveal the view inside. I put slits at either side of the main card, ran some ribbon along the inside and then attached the view to a separate panel inside to cover the ribbon (hope that makes sense!!). The card I've used on this one is from Kanban.


  1. Hi Helen, you have made some lovely cards with the new Little Claire stamps, i think the show next week will be a big success. I especially like the christening card and the cat in the window cards you have made, beautiful. luv Janette

  2. This is lovely Helen - making a gatefold card is a brilliant idea xx

  3. You've made some gorgeous cards with the new stamps Helen, love them :o) Lisa x

  4. This is really lovely I didnt get this set but you make me wish I had. Mary x

  5. Another beautiful card Helen and I love the gatefold and Ribbon idea!

    Sharon x


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x