
Saturday 29 January 2011

Black, White and Pink

This is something a little bit different for me - iris folding. It's a great way to use up left over pieces of paper and I really like the way it looks too. I've used black paper with two different patterned papers from Craftwork Cards and finished the card with peel off lines, dots and a greeting. I'm entering the card in the current Pollycraft Monday Challenge which is black, white plus one other - in my case pink!


  1. This is stunning Helen!, such a great way of using all those left over papers, must give that that ago!! I have far to much paper scraps just laying around lol!

    thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment :o)

    Have a lovely weekend hugs Vicky xx

  2. Hi Helen, this is very striking; I love pink and black together. Lovely to see some iris folding for a change - beautiful! xx

  3. Very pretty card, the pink looks great with the black and white. Thanks so much for joining us for the Pollycraft Challenge!


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x