
Friday 19 November 2010

A Blog Award from Maria

It's been a mad busy and stressful week at work (and I've had to bring a pile of work home with me too) so it was a lovely surprise to find that Maria had left this lovely award for me on her blog. And what's even better is that this award comes with a free gift - the full details are on the Digis With Attitude Challenge Blog. To qualify, I need to say three things about myself that make me different from everyone else (only 3?!) and then pass this award on to three other blogs. So here goes -
1. In the 'real world' I'm a solicitor specialising in divorce and childcare work
2. I'm a Soroptimist
3. I love ironing!
And here are my five blogs -


  1. Well done you Helen, great award

  2. Hi Helen.

    Thank you very much for this lovely award! I am really happy to have made some really good blogging friends through the blog and the Little Claire DT, and I am pleased to count you as one of them!

    Finally - sorry if I'm being thick.....but I just have to ask.....what is a soroptimist?

    Sharon xx

  3. Congratulations on this award - well deserved - and aren't these awards revealing! :)

  4. Thank you so much for the award. It was lovely of you to think of me. Am really busy at the moment and havn't had time to post much on my blog, hope to get more time soon. Thanks again. Mary x


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x