
Wednesday 8 September 2010

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday - 66

I've remembered to take and upload a photo this week - by the time I remembered the past couple of weeks it was already Thursday!
This photo shows the main part of my desk with my cutting mat, draining board holder (with all my gems, pearls etc) and my Promarkers at the right hand side of the picture. You can also see (again far right) the set of tag cutting dies I bought from Little Claire Designs at the weekend and my collectio of punches on the other side. On my desk I've got a Penny Black stamp, a coloured image from the stamp and some patterned and plain card - I'm part way through making another card using this image. I've already made one card with it and liked it so much, I'm making another one which is virtually the same! The blue spotted card was another bargain from G-Mex at the weekend - ten A4 sheets in a pack for £1. They are supposed to be seconds but I can't see anything wrong with them!


  1. Looks like a very productive desk! I can tell you're in the middle of something! That's a beautiful image, can't wait to see the finished card!

  2. that is a good looking desk, love the cutlery drainer for storage, and the blue spotted card is on sale cos its supposed to be plain, LOL

  3. This comment is kind of spam ... Blogger is seriously getting on my blimming nerves so I have resorted to pasting the same comment ... just so you know I have been!
    Great WOYWW post!

  4. Too tidy Helen, you are so organised

  5. Great looking desk. Love how your punches are lined up in a row.

  6. great workspace, thanks for sharing

  7. I love your big ole cutting mat, Helen.

  8. An organised looking work space!

  9. what a super tidy desk! love your colouring :) thanks for a great snoop, hugs mandyxx

  10. ooo i have that stamp too, I am a bit late this week, fab workspace, Happy WOYWW, Thank you for showing us your workspace.

  11. Hi Helen, love your super tidy desk, great little image and dies. Thanks for sharing your WOYWW, hugs Heidi xxx

  12. Looking good - nice and tidy with a place for everything.

  13. Lovely busy desk, thanks for the snoop round.

  14. Awe.....that's such a pretty image.


  15. I'm impressed with all the paper you got for one pound. I also like a neat desk, and yours is really tidy, even with that image you are working on.

    Sorry I'm really late getting around this week. My computer wants to freeze up every time I visit a new site. Happy belated WOYWW!

  16. great workspace - working with your nesties, I see

  17. Aw that's a delightful image - and I LOVE the blue polka dot paper...what a great find.


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x