
Friday 3 September 2010

Another Blog Award

A big thank you to Heike for giving me another blog award - very much appreciated and a lovely surprise after a stressful day at work!
I have to say why I started my blog and then pass the award on to ten other people.
I started my blog as a way of sharing my cards and also entering all the great blog challenges that are out there. It's also a great way to get inspiration and ideas as there are many wonderful card makers and crafters out there with blogs.
Now to pass the award on to ten other people:


  1. Thank you so much for thinkin of me, been feelin a bit low today and this really cheered me up, Hugs, Mary x

  2. Hi Helen,

    Thank you for the award, i had a really bad yesterday and this really cheered me up. Thank you again.

    missy x


Thanks for leaving me a comment - I really do appreciate it.

Helen x